Hey everyone!
Just got some great news from Desiree today- we're having a new Tattle Tales Promotion this January for the Starry Night Set! It runs from January 19th-21st, and bookings are available in the new year! Everyone here at Your Eye On Photo are really excited about this promotion!
Check back in later on for our next promotion, following the Starry Night!
now.. EN FRANCAIS! It's great I'm doing this French addition- it's really helping me polish up my French! She helps me edit the passages, which is awesome of her considering I'm not totally fluent and I just study French at school. It is definitely coming back fast, I will say that. Anyhow, here we go: attempt numero deux! Written by Sarah, edited and overlooked by the lovely Desiree :)
Salut toutes le monde!
Désirée m'a donné quelques bonnes nouvelles! Notre prochainne promotion Tattle Tales est deja au calendrier. Le theme: La Nuit Étoilée! Les dates: du 19 au 21 Janvier 2012.
A bientôt!

Children story books.My studio, "Your Eye on Photo", was born from my love for making images. In parallel,I have developed “Tattle Tales Portraits” from my fascination with my childhood storybook illustrations; these images that danced in my head from the time I was a little girl. Do you remember the images in your fairy tale books? This is exactly what we create right here in our studio. When you book your session, the set is built at the studio just for your session
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