Hello, I have purposely been out of touch or should I say made to be out of touch.
So many things happened in my life and therefore the life of my craft as well.
It would be too long to detail everything. Let's just say, I am getting a new lease on life .
My family, my work and my creativity are re-inventing themselves.
I am not so sorry to say, I will be on an introspection adventure for the next year and maybe even 2.
I am re-thinking practically everything i have worked for and lived for the last 10 years of my life.
I think I am coming out of this all smelling like a rose... or maybe a gardenia (a little more subtle)
I know what my ultimate goal is but I have no idea what road I will have to take to get there.
Forced to move quite suddenly and then having major issues with my vision. my whole world was thrown off its trajectory. Not just me but my whole family. This couldn't come at a worse time we all thought.
It's never the right time to have to re adjust to everything. Just like it's never the right time to start having children. We all know that it is a major life changing situation and no one likes change. And how do you prepare for something you've never done before. Right?
My vision will take 2 years to settle and so, I will take that time to RE... Re-examine my goals, re-invent my career, re-new my beliefs, re-acquaint myself with my self, re-focus my photography.
I am hoping that my destination will be what I see in my mind photography wise and life wise. But before I create any more Tattle Tales Story books, i want write a few pages in my own story book.
So this end of year no looking back, and no new resolutions for 2014.
No pressure... That's a first!
Let's see where life takes us :)
Wishing all of you out there to find yourselves and change something
Merry Chrristmas, and Happy New Year

Children story books.My studio, "Your Eye on Photo", was born from my love for making images. In parallel,I have developed “Tattle Tales Portraits” from my fascination with my childhood storybook illustrations; these images that danced in my head from the time I was a little girl. Do you remember the images in your fairy tale books? This is exactly what we create right here in our studio. When you book your session, the set is built at the studio just for your session
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Accréditation en portraits d'enfants et de nourissons
Salut tout le monde!
Depuis que je me suis membre de l'association des Photographes Professionels du Canada, l'année passée, un des buts que je m'étais fixée pour cette année 2013 était de réussir une accréditation.
Ceci signifiait d'être reconnue par l'association.
Et bien voici mon but accomplit!
Je suis très fière et heureuse d'annoncer que j'ai mérité une accréditation en photographie pour enfants et nourissons.
J'ai ajouter à la page le communiquer de presse en anglais et j'ai aussi ajouter les 10 images qui ont été acceptées.
Je n'aurai sûrement pas put accomplir cette étape très importante dans la poursuite de me parfaire sans l'aide et l'appui de mes collegues photographes. D'assister à nos reunions mensuelles s'est avéré être toute une discipline et m'a aussi fait prendre conscience de mes mauvaises habitudes ! En ce qui concerne la photographie bien sûr...
Je continue à relever des défis qui m'ouvriront la porte à d'autres accréditations dans le futur.
Merci à l'association PPOC et aussi à tous les membres du PPOC!
Accredited in infant and child photography
Hello all!
Since joining the Professional Photographers of Canada last year, one of my goals for 2013 was to achieve an accreditation from the PPOC association.
Well, goal accomplished! I am proud and excited to announce that I just received my first accreditation from PPOC in infant and children portraits. The official press release is posted below with details as to what this entails.
I have also posted the 10 images that were accepted.
I certainly could not have done this without the guidance and support of my fellow photographers at PPOC. Going to branch meetings every month has proved to be an incredible discipline and eye opener in regards to my photographic habits.
I am striving to achieve another accreditation as it just pushes me this much further.
Thank You PPOC and PPOC members!
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